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Our Mission

High Road Touring is a booking agency dedicated to the growth and development of successful live music careers.

Unleashed in 2001 by Frank Riley, High Road Touring is driven by hard work, courage, conscience, the belief that things are continually getting better and that good will triumph over evil.

Our Job Opportunities

We accept resumes from interested candidates for entry level full or part-time positions that may become available in our Sausalito, Brooklyn and Austin offices. No relocation allowances will be offered.

Candidates are expected to have a passion for live music and to be highly organized, focused and able to thrive in an open, collaborative and demanding work environment. Requirements also include completion (or soon-to-be completion) of a bachelor’s degree.

Prior internships and experience in the music industry a plus.

Please email resumes as well as city and time period available to

No phone calls please.